Changelog #1

Launch week: Deployments, Logs, and search improvements

Nov 28, 2024

Welcome to our very first weekly changelog. We’re going to be sharing updates weekly, so make sure to check back next week for what we got done under the influence of turkey and pumpkin pie. Also, follow us on socials for the TLDR: BlueSky, LinkedIn, and for now, Twitter.


Deployments and Logs

We've added two big features to help you keep tabs on your projects: Deployments and Logs viewing. Here's what's new:


When you create a project from the Deploy catalog, you can now watch as Tempest sets up your environments and resources. Different environments work in different ways - Preview environments can spin up and clean themselves up based on PRs or branches, while Dedicated environments stick around and just get updated when you push new changes to your target branch.

Per environment deployments


We've also added project-wide logs, so you can see exactly what's happening with all of your Tempest resources. Whether things are running smoothly or hitting snags, you can see it all in one place.

Both deployments and logs work with Tempest apps and your custom Private apps.

Improvements & Bug Fixes

New apps & updates

  • Kubernetes pods and replicas are now no longer imported as resources

    • These resources are generally considered ephemeral, and this fix is a short term change to keep your resources list from getting unmanageable. We’re looking at better ways to track ephemeral resources like pods.

Developer SDK & Private Apps

  • Private app resources are now filterable and sortable in the Resources page

  • Private app deployment logs are now available in the project view

  • Private apps now support import & sync—you can now use private apps to get resources created outside of Tempest tracked, assigned, and continuously synced in Tempest

  • We’ve added READMEs to all of our repos: Go SDK, CLI, OpenAPI, Protobuf, and examples

Recipes, projects, deployments

  • Logs are now collected when syncing resources. View them on the resource page, or within a project the resource is associated with

  • Additionally logging is now browsable within projects to give visibility into what happens during a project deployment

  • Recipe version information is now displayed during recipe edit, new deployment, and project pages

  • Added search, sort, and filter to the Recipes list

  • Renamed Catalog in the sidebar to Deploy

  • Added project classifications to search & filtering taxonomy

  • Fixed a bug that would cause occasionally fire thousands of requests when infinite scrolling list views

  • Fixed a bug where archived recipes could be edited

  • Fixed a bug where archived projects were not accessible in the UI

  • Fixed a bug where creating a new manual deployment for a project would show “undefined” for the branch to deploy

  • Fixed a bug where cards in the Deploy catalog would layout incorrectly when window was resized


  • The entire resource import experience has been reworked. Imported resources can now be previewed before imported.

  • Resources can now be sorted & filtered by team

  • Added a visual state for resources that are actively provisioning, but have not been created yet

  • Resources now show their last sync time

  • Fixed a bug where resource import previously showed the same 30 repeated resources

  • Fixed a bug where a resource import policy could be created without required fields, resulting in absolutely nothing happening

  • Fixed a bug where not all resource types were available for filtering

  • Fixed a bug where the teams filter was not refreshing with the latest data in the resources list

Users & Teams

  • Fixed a bug where profile photos weren’t showing in the teams list view

  • Fixed a bug where organization logos were broken at the Accept Team Invite screen

Web Console

  • Added Contact support to the dropdown in site navigation

  • Fixed a bug where a search with zero results would break search

  • Search, sort, and filter controls are now sticky on infinite scroll enabled data tables

  • Default sorts across the entire web console are now sane


  • Logging out now logs you out