Measuring vs. Fostering Software Developer Productivity

Measuring vs. Fostering Software Developer Productivity

Measuring vs. Fostering Software Developer Productivity

Author initials in circle

Andrew Pratt

Andrew Pratt

Content Writer

Content Writer

Sep 16, 2024

Sep 16, 2024

7 min

7 min

Software developer productivity has been a contested topic over the last several years and with it came a surge of methods of how to measure it.

While being able to gauge productivity is useful in regard to business operations - it seems as though we’ve lost sight of its original intention of providing insight in how it can be improved. In today's business environment obsessed with hitting quarterly targets, metrics like lines of code, tickets closed, or commits are often used as reasons for termination, rather than a true reflection of hard work.

Because of this, software developers are now focused on checking off boxes to meet these metrics, rather than delivering high-quality code.

And let’s not forget—these metrics can be gamed. Engineers can add more comments, bloat code, or make more frequent commits to look productive on paper without actually delivering results.

The real intention behind measuring productivity is to help improve it. Instead of wasting time chasing vanity metrics, we should shift the focus to creating an environment where developers can thrive from the start.

Listen to Your Developers

The key to fostering software developer productivity starts with listening to your developers and acting on their feedback. Developers are problem solvers—that’s what they do for a living. So, when they flag an issue, it’s probably something significant and out of their control. Just like code has bugs, so do company processes.

Make it easy for developers to share their insights at every skill level. This step is simple, crucial, and pays off big time when done right. Here are some ways to foster open communication:

  • Skip face-to-face when possible: Use asynchronous methods like Slack, Teams, emails, or Loom videos. This allows developers to gather their thoughts and avoid the pressure of remembering everything on the spot. It also ensures even your quieter team members have a voice and leaves a helpful paper trail for future reference. If meetings are necessary, make sure there’s a clear agenda and outcome.

  • Anonymous surveys: To get honest feedback, create anonymous surveys that allow for custom responses. Scaled rating systems can only tell you so much; open-ended questions can reveal issues management may not even be aware of. Keep surveys short and focused on the most pressing concerns.

  • Host voluntary focus groups: Giving developers a platform to speak freely in voluntary sessions lets them air frustrations without the pressure of a formal meeting. Participation rates can also help gauge the severity of the issues.

Only after comfortable and actionable lines of communication have been established will any additional efforts increase productivity.

Trust Goes a Long Way

Lack of trust can be demoralizing. After all, the hiring process is designed to filter for the best candidates, and if they made it through, they’ve already proven their value. In dynamic, creative roles like software development, where multiple solutions exist for the same problem, trust is essential.

According to a Slack survey of over 10,000 desk workers, employees who feel trusted report: 

  • 2.1x better focus, 

  • Doubling productivity, 

  • 4.3x higher job satisfaction, 

  • 1.3x more effort. 

  • Their productivity doubles.

Yet, over 25% of employees feel they aren’t trusted by their employers. Among those meeting or exceeding expectations, 87% still feel this way.

For developers, trust can be shown in a few key ways: 

  • Flexible hours: Everyone’s circumstances are different. A parent’s schedule will look different from someone without kids. Letting developers set their own hours helps them work without distractions.

  • Flexible roles: Trust developers to understand their strengths and weaknesses and adjust their roles accordingly. You might be surprised at how well a self-governed team can perform. If problems arise, open communication channels can address them quickly.

When trust is broken, intervene, but don’t punish. Use the moment to evaluate what went wrong and make adjustments to prevent it from happening again.

Give Back Time to Code

Bottlenecks like waiting for code reviews or limited resources (like testing servers) waste valuable developer time. Delays in getting deployments or infrastructure access from DevOps teams also sap motivation and slow down time to market. Developers should be able to jump straight into coding.

Let them code.

In a survey conducted by Tidelift on how developers spend their time, it was found that:

  • 23% on meetings, management, and operations,

  • 12% on testing,

  • 4% on security issues,

  • 9% on miscellaneous tasks,

  • 19% maintaining code,

  • Only 32% actually writing new code or improving existing code.

You read correctly - 68% of the time, developers are not writing code.

There are a few ways to alleviate this - the first is simply asking developers where they feel their time is wasted, and acting on the feedback. Developers know their own cycles better than anyone else—they deal with them every day.

Another is to set a clear roadmap with priorities and project requirements; that’ll help prevent vague goals that lead to wasted time and potential product redesigns. Keep progress check-ins to a minimum to avoid interrupting their flow.

Software Developers Need the Right Tools

Every developer has their preferences, from which IDE they use to the setup of their workstation. Their chair, mouse, monitors, and even keyboard switches can make a difference in their productivity.

Restricting developers to standard-issue equipment just for the sake of uniformity can be counterproductive. A modular approach to workstations, where developers can customize their setup, is a small but powerful investment.

And don’t forget, advanced development tools can also drastically boost productivity. Pay for the tools your team needs, and make sure to ask them directly which ones would benefit them the most.

One solution that’s gaining traction is developer platforms. These platforms abstract away complex operational processes, letting engineers focus on what they do best—delivering quality code.

Richard Seroter makes a great point in his blog about platform abstractions. While shifting left—moving tasks like security and QA earlier in the development cycle—is important, he argues that we should focus on “shifting down.” This means using technology to offload tasks to platforms, simplifying the stack, and letting developers focus on innovation.

A great developer platform provide:

  • Familiar tools that developers enjoy,

  • Automation for redundant tasks, freeing up brainpower for more important projects,

  • Templates with pre-installed tools and settings, so developers can skip setup and dive into coding,

  • Centralized documentation, cutting down on time wasted searching for information.

Cultivate a Culture of Learning

Mentorship can be a game-changer for the culture of your organization, especially for junior developers. A Guider study found: 

  • 89% of former mentees become mentors themselves,

  • 70% of businesses report increased productivity,

  • 94% of employees say they’d stay longer at a company that offers learning opportunities,

  • A 50% higher retention rate in companies with mentorship programs.

To ensure success:

  • Define clear objectives,

  • Create a formal framework with expectations and timelines,

  • Select competent, committed mentors,

  • Provide training and resources,

  • Regularly check in for feedback and make adjustments,

  • Personalize skill development recommendations for each developer.


Too often, companies forget that their employees are the backbone of the business. Without them, everything grinds to a halt.

Building a workplace that values well-being, autonomy, and efficiency is key. Investing in top-notch tools, creating a personalized work environment, and offering flexible work arrangements can significantly boost productivity.

By focusing on the unique needs of developers and supporting their growth, companies not only improve individual productivity but also drive overall success.

Ready to empower your developers and boost productivity? Sign up for early access to Tempest today and see how we help teams streamline operations, automate infrastructure, and empower developers to do their best work.

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